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時報出版社 2011年2月

我們出版社 2013年11月




Book Chapters
- Hsu GL.: Peyronie’s disease. In: APSIR BOOK on Erectile Dysfunction, 1st ed. Edited by Kim, Y. C. and Tan, H. M. Malaysia: Pacific Cosmos Sdn Bhd, chapt. 18, pp. 200-212, 1999.
- Hsieh CH. Hsu GL: Current Role of Vascular Surgery (Arterial and Venous) in Erectile Dysfunction. In: International book of erectile dysfunction, 1st ed. Edited by Djordjevic, M. L. and Martins F. E. New York: Nova Publisher, chapt. 9, pp. 130-157
Hsu, G-L. (2018). Erection Abnormality. In M. K. Skinner (Ed.),
Encyclopedia of Reproduction. vol. 1, pp. 382–390. Academic Press:
Hsu, G-L., & Liu, S-P. (2018). Penis Structure. In M. K. Skinner
(Ed.), Encyclopedia of Reproduction. vol. 1, pp. 357–366. Academic
Press: Elsevier.
Hsu, G-L., & Lu, H-C. (2018). Penis Structure—Erection. In M. K.
Skinner (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Reproduction. vol. 1, pp. 367–375.
Academic Press: Elsevier.
Liang, J-y., Chang, H-C., & Hsu, G-L. (2018). Penis Endocrinology.
In M. K. Skinner (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Reproduction. vol. 1, pp.
376–381. Academic Press: Elsevier.
Huang, P-C., & Hsu, G-L. (2018). Vascular Surgery for Erectile
Dysfunction. In M. K. Skinner (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Reproduction.
vol. 4, pp. 427–436. Academic Press: Elsevier.
Full Publication List
- Tsai TC. Hsu GL. Chen SC. Wang CL. Analysis of the results of reconstructive surgery for vasculogenic impotence. Taiwan I Hsueh Hui Tsa Chih - Journal of the Formosan Medical Association. 87(2): 182-7, 1988. (Principal author)
- Lin MC. Hsu GL. Chen SC. Wang CL. Tsai TC. Role of Doppler ultrasound in the evaluation of penile hemodynamics in male impotence. Taiwan I Hsueh Hui Tsa Chih - Journal of the Formosan Medical Association. 87(10): 960-5, 1988.
- Tsai TC. Hsu GL. Chen SC. Wang CL. Chen CL. Clinical significance of anatomy of penile deep dorsal vein. Taiwan I Hsueh Hui Tsa Chih - Journal of the Formosan Medical Association. 87(12): 1187-90, 1988.
- Hsu GL, Brock G, Martinez-pinerio L, et al: The three-dimensional structure of the human tunica albuginea: anatomical and ultrastructural level. International Journal of Impotence Research. 4:117-29; 1992.
- Martinez-Pineiro L. Trigo-Rocha F. Hsu GL. Lue TF. Schmidt RA. Tanagho EA. Response of bladder, urethral and intracavernous pressure to ventral lumbosacral root stimulation in Sprague-Dawley and Wistar rats. Journal of Urology. 148(3): 925-9, 1992.
- Trigo-Rocha F. Hsu GL. Donatucci CF. Lue TF. The role of cyclic adenosine monophosphate, cyclic guanosine monophosphate, endothelium and nonadrenergic, noncholinergic neurotransmission in canine penile erection. Journal of Urology. 149(4): 872-7, 1993.
- Hsu GL. Brock GB. Trigo-Rocha F. Martinez-Pineiro L. Lue TF. Combined cavernous compression device and arteriovenous-cavernous fistula: a chronic canine model. Journal of Urology. 149(6): 1564-7, 1993.
- Brock G. Nunes L. von Heyden B. Martinez-Pineiro L. Hsu GL. Lue TF. Can a venous patch graft be a substitute for the tunica albuginea of the penis? Journal of Urology. 150(4): 1306-9, 1993.
- Martinez-Pineiro L. Trigo-Rocha F. Hsu GL. von Heyden B. Lue TF. Tanagho EA. Cyclic guanosine monophosphate mediates penile erection in the rat. European Urology. 24(4): 492-9, 1993.
- Martinez-Pineiro L. Brock G. Trigo-Rocha F. Hsu GL. Lue TF. Tanagho EA. Rat model for the study of penile erection: pharmacologic and electrical-stimulation parameters. European Urology. 25(1): 62-70, 1994.
- Hsu GL. Brock G. Martinez-Pineiro L. von Heyden B. Lue TF. Tanagho EA. Anatomy and strength of the tunica albuginea: its relevance to penile prosthesis extrusion. Journal of Urology. 151(5): 1205-8, 1994.
- Trigo-Rocha F. Hsu GL. Donatucci CF. Martinez-Pineiro L. Lue TF. Tanagho EA. Intracellular mechanism of penile erection in monkeys. Neurourology & Urodynamics. 13(1): 71-80, 1994.
- Hsu GL. Brock G. von Heyden B. Nunes L. Lue TF. Tanagho EA. The distribution of elastic fibrous elements within the human penis. British Journal of Urology. 73(5): 566-71, 1994.
- Trigo-Rocha F. Donatucci CF. Hsu GL. Nunes L. Lue TF. Tanagho EA. The effect of intracavernous injection of potassium channel openers in monkeys and dogs. International Journal of Impotence Research. 7(1): 41-8, 1995.
- Trigo-Rocha F. Martinez-Pineiro L. Donatucci CF. Hsu GL. Lue TF. Tanagho EA. Sodium nitroprusside: physiologic effects as a nitric oxide donor in three species. International Journal of Impotence Research. 7(1): 49-56, 1995.
- Martinez-Pineiro L. Dahiya R. Brock GB. Hsu GL. von Heyden B. Lue TF. Chronic penile denervation in the rat: effect on cavernous tissue morphology and function. International Journal of Impotence Research. 7(3): 165-74, 1995.
- Brock G. Hsu GL. Nunes L. von Heyden B. Lue TF. The anatomy of the tunica albuginea in the normal penis and Peyronie’s disease. Journal of Urology. 157(1): 276-81, 1997.
- Akkus E. Carrier S. Baba K. Hsu GL. Padma-Nathan H. Nunes L. Lue TF. Structural alterations in the tunica albuginea of the penis: impact of Peyronie’s disease, ageing and impotence. British Journal of Urology. 79(1): 47-53, 1997.
- Hsu GL. Chen SH. Weng SS. Out-patient surgery for the correction of penile curvature. British Journal of Urology. 79(1): 36-9, 1997. (Correspondent and principal author)
- Brock G, Hsu GL, Nunes L, von Heyden B, Lue TF. The anatomy of the tunica albuginea in the normal penis and Peyronie's disease. J Urol. 1997 Jan; 157(1):276-81
- Hsu GL. Wen HS. Hsieh CH. Liu LJ. Chen YC. Traumatic glans deformity: reconstruction of distal ligamentous structure. Journal of Urology. 166:1390, 2001. (Correspondent and Principal author)
- Hsu GL. Wen HS. Hsieh CH. Chen YC. Liu LJ. Chiang HS. Distribution of erection-related veins in human penis. New Taipei Journal of Medicine. 3 (4): 245-252, 2001. (Principal author)
- Hsu GL. Hsieh CH. Wen HS. Chiang HS. Penile Venous Anatomy: Applications for Erectile Disturbance. Asian Journal of Andrology. 4(1): 61-66, 2002. (Principal author)
- Hsu GL. Hsieh CH. Wen HS. Curvature correction in patients with tunical rupture: a necessary adjunct to repair. Journal of Urology. 167:1381-3, 2002. (Correspondent and Principal author)
- Hsu GL. Hsieh CH. Wen HS. Chen YC. Liu LJ. Kang TJ. Yang SD. Chiang HS. Penile enhancement: an outpatient technique. European Journal of Medical Sexology. 11(39): 6-10, 2002. (Correspondent and Principal author)
- Hsu GL. Hsieh CH. Wen HS. Hsieh JT and Chiang HS: Outpatient surgery for penile venous patch with the patient under local anesthesia. Journal of Andrology. 24:35-39,2003. (Correspondent and Principal author)
- Hsu GL. Hsieh CH. Wen HS. Chen YC. Chen SC and Mok MS: Penile venous Anatomy: An additional description and its clinical implication. Journal of andrology. 24:921-927, 2003. (Correspondent and Principal author)
- Hsu GL. Hsieh CH. Wen HS, Hsu WL and Chen CW: Anatomy of the human penis: The relationship of the architecture between skeletal and smooth muscles. Journal of Andrology. 25:426-431, 2004. (Correspondent and Principal author)
- Hsu GL: Revision der mikroskopischen Anatomie mit klinischen Bezügen. Andrologen info. 2004; Juni: 86-89.(An internet issue is also available in the
- Hsu GL. Hsieh CH. Wen HS, Chen SC, Chen YC, Liu LJ, Mok MS and Wu CH. Outpatient penile implantation with the patient under a novel method of crural block. International Journal of Andrology. 2004; 27:147-151. (Correspondent and Principal author)
- Hsu GL, Hsieh CH, Wen HS, Hsu WL, Chen YC, Chen RM, Chen SC, Hsieh JT. The effect of electrocoagulation on the sinusoids in the human penis. Journal of Andrology. 25(6):954-9, 2004. (Correspondent and Principal author)
- Chen SC, Hsieh CH, Hsu GL, Wang CJ, Wen HS, Ling PY, Huang HM, Tseng GF. The progression of the penile vein: could it be recurrent? Journal of Andrology. 26(1):56-63, 2005 (correspondent, principal author).
- Hsieh CH, Wang CJ, Hsu GL, Chen SC, Ling PY, Wang T, Fong TH, Tseng GF. Penile veins play a pivotal role in erection: the hemodynamic evidence. International Journal of Andrology. 28:88-92, 2005. (Correspondent and principal author).
- Hsu GL, Lin CW, Hsieh CH, Hsieh JT, Chen SC, Kuo TF, Ling PY, Huang HM, Wang CJ, Tseng GF. Distal ligament in human glans: a comparative study of penile architecture. Journal of Andrology. 26(5):624-628, 2005. (Correspondent and Principal author)
- Wen HS, Hsieh CH, Hsu GL, Kao YC, Ling PY, Huang HM, Wang CY and Einhorn EF: The synergism of penile venous surgery and oral sildenafil in treating patients with erectile dysfunction. International Journal of Andrology. 28:297-303,2005. (correspondent and principal author)
- Hsu GL, Ling PY, Hsieh CH, Wang CJ, Chen CW, Wen HS, Liu LJ, Huang HM, Einhorn EF, Tseng GF. Outpatient varicocelectomy performed under local anesthesia. Asian J Androl7(4):439-444, 2005. (Correspondent and Principal author)
- Hsu GL, Hsieh CH, Wen HS, Ling PY, Chen SY, Huang HM and Tseng GF. Formulas for determining the dimensions of venous graft required for penile curvature correction. International Journal of Andrology. 29:515-20, 2006. (Correspondent and Principal author)
- Hsu GL: The hypothesis of human penile anatomy, erection hemodynamic and their clinical applications. Asian Journal of Andrology 8(2):225-234, 2006. (Invited)
- Hsu GL, Chen HS, Hsieh CH, Ling PL, Wen HS, Liu LJ, Chen CW and Liu MW. Insufficient response to venous surgery: is penile vein recurrent or residual? Journal of Andrology 27(5):700-706, 2006. (Correspondent and Principal author)
- Hsu GL, Chen HS, Hsieh CH, Chen RM, Wen HS Liu LJ and Chua C. Long-term result of an autologous venous grafting for penile morphological reconstruction. Journal of Andrology. 28 (1):186-193, 2007. (Correspondent and Principal author)
- Hsu GL, Hsieh CH, Chen HS, Ling PY, Wen HS, Huang HM, Liu LJ, Chen CW, and Chua c. The Advancement of Pure Local Anesthesia for Penile Surgeries: Can an Outpatient Basis be Sustainable? Journal of Andrology. 28 (1):200-205, 2007. (Correspondent and Principal author)
- Hsu GL Editorial comments (508-9) in, Paez A, Mejias J, Vallejo J, Romero I, De Castro M, Gimeno F. Long-Term Patient Satisfaction after Surgical Correction of Penile Curvature via Tunical Plication. International Brazilian Journal of Urology. Vol. 33 (4): 502-509, July - August, 2007
- Hsu GL, Chen HS, Hsieh CH, Lee WY, Chen KL and Chang CH. Salvaging Penile Venous Stripping Surgery. Journal of Andrology. 31(3):250-260, 2010. (Correspondent and Principal author)
- Hsu GL, Chen HS, Hsieh CH, Lee WY, Chen KL and Chang CH. Clinical Experience of a Refined Penile Venous Surgery Procedure for Patients with Erectile Dysfunction: Is It a Viable Option? Journal of Andrology.31(3):271-280,2010. (Correspondent and Principal author)
- Hsieh CH, Chen HS, Lee WY, Chen KL and Chang CH and Hsu GL. Salvage Penile tunical surgery. Journal of Andrology. 31(5):450-6, 2010. (Correspondent, principal author).
- Hsieh CH, Liu SP, Hsu GL Chen HS, Molodysky E, Chen YH, Yu HJ. Advances in our understanding of mammalian penile evolution, human penile anatomy and human erection physiology: Clinical implications for physicians and surgeons. Med Sci Monit.2012 18(7) RA118-125. (Correspondent and Principal author).
- Hsu GL, Hung YP, Tsai MH, Hsieh CH, Chen HS, Molodysky E, Huynh CC, and Yu HJ. Penile veins are the principal component in erectile rigidity: a study of penile venous stripping on defrosted human cadavers, Journal of Andrology. 2012, 33:1176-1185. (Correspondent and Principal author)
- Hsu GL. “Physiological approach to penile venous stripping surgical procedure for patients with erectile dysfunction (Patent No.: US 8,240,313, B2).
- Molodysky E , Liu SP, Hsu GL. Penile vascular surgery for treatment of erectile dysfunction: Current role and future direction. Arab Journal Urology, 2013, 11:254-266. (Invited, principal author, correspondent).
- Molodysky E , Liu SP, Hsu GL. Penile vascular surgery for treatment of erectile dysfunction: Current role and future direction. Arab Journal Urology, 2013, 11:254-266. (Invited, principal author, correspondent).
- Hsu GL, Molodysky E, Liu SP, Hsieh CH, Chen HC, Chen YH. (2013) A Combination of Penile Venous Stripping, Tunical Surgery and Varicocelectomy for Patients with Erectile Dysfunction, Penile Dysmorphology and Varicocele under Acupuncture-aided Local Anesthesia on Ambulatory Basis. Surgery: current research S12: 008. doi:10.4172/2161-1076.S12-008 (Correspondent and Principal author)
- Hsu GL, Zaid UX, Hsieh CH, Huang SJ. Acupuncture assisted regional anesthesia for penile surgeries. Transl Androl Urol 2013;2(4):291-300. doi: 10.3978/ j.issn.2223-4683.2013.12.02 (Invited, Correspondent and Principal author)
- Hsu GL, Chen HS, Huang SJ (2013) A Physiological Approach to a Penile Venous Stripping Surgical Procedure for Patients with Erectile Dysfunction. Transl Med 3: 117. doi:10.4172/2161-1025.1000117 (Correspondent and Principal author)
- Hsu GL, Huang YP, Tsai MH, Chang HC, Liu SP, Molodysky E, Hsu MCY. : The venous drainage of the corpora cavernosa in the human penis, Arab J Urol2013; 11, 384-391. (Correspondent and Principal author)
- Hsu GL, Molodysky E, Liu SP, Chang HC, Hsieh CH, Hsu CY: Reconstructive surgery for idealizing penile shape and erectile functional restoration on patients with penile dysmorphology and erectile dysfunction. Arab J Urol 2013; 11(4):375–383. (Correspondent and Principal author)
- Hsu GL, Chen HS, Huang SJ. Does tunica anatomy matter in penile implant? Transl Androl Urol 2014; 4(4):406-412. doi: .3978/j.issn.2223-4683.2014.03.04 (Correspondent and Principal author)
- Hsu GL, Hill JW, Chen HS, Huang SJ. Novel pilot films providing a dispensable
information in pharmaco-cavernosography. Transl Androl Urol 2014; 4(4):
398-405. doi: 10.3978/j.issn.2223-4683.2014.03.03 (Correspondent and Principal author)
- Hsu GL, Hill JW, Hsieh CH, Liu SP and Hsu CY: Venous ligation: A novel strategy for glans enhancement in penile prosthesis implantation. BioMed Research International Volume 2014 (2014), Article ID 923171, 7 pages (Correspondent and Principal author)
- Hsu GL, Hsieh CH and Chen SC. Human penile tunica albuginea: Anatomy discovery, functional evidence and role in reconstructive and implant surgery. Glo. Adv. Res. J. Med. Med. Sci. December 2014 3(12): 400-407. (Correspondent and Principal author)
- Hsieh CH, Huang YP, Tsai MH, Chen HS, Huang PC, Lin CW, Hsu GL: Tunical Outer Layer Plays an Essential Role in Penile veno-occlusive Mechanism Evidenced from Electrocautery Effects to the Corpora Cavernosa in Defrosted Human Cadavers. Urology, 2015, volume 86, issue 6 page 1129-1136. (Correspondent and principal author)
- Hsieh CH, Tai HC, Hsu GL, Chen CC and Hsu CY: Herb formula enhances treatment of impotent patients after penile venous stripping, a randomized clinical trial. Andrologia 2015 accepted. (Correspondent and principal author)
- Hsieh CH, Chen CW, Hsu GL, Chiang HC, Huang HM, Huang SJ, Chen HS: Penile venous stripping surgery seems a viable option for treating erectile dysfunction evidenced by salvaging benefits in patients who underwent unsuccessful vascular interventions. 2016 processing (Correspondent and principal author)
- Hsu GL et al: A novel method of true penile enhancement with autologous veins and artificial dermis.
- Hsu GL et al: Novel methods for penile venous stripping and varicocelectomy at same approach.
- Hsu GL et al: A Double-Blind Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial of Penile Venous Surgery for Treating Impotence. (In progress)
- Hsu GL: Would modern catherterization method benefit impotent males?
- Long-term result of penile venous stripping and autologous venous grafting for penile erectile and morphological reconstruction. (In progress)
- Long-term result of penile venous stripping and varicocelectomy in patients with erectile dysfunction and varicocele. (In progress)
information in pharmaco-cavernosography. Transl Androl Urol 2014; 4(4):
398-405. doi: 10.3978/j.issn.2223-4683.2014.03.03 (Correspondent and Principal author)